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New eruv extends public boundaries

Tucson now has a functioning eruv, Congregation Chofetz Chayim announced April 11 via email.

An eruv is a symbolic wire boundary that follows the guidelines of Jewish law for creating a demarcation of private space that allows for carrying objects on Shabbat and other Jewish holy days.

The creation of the eruv “comes after several years of painstaking detailed work in conjunction with Tucson Electric Power and Southwest Energy Solutions,” according to the announcement.

The current boundaries of the eruv are Wilmot Road to the east, Columbus Boulevard to the west, Lee Street (one block south of Pima Street) to the north and Broadway Boulevard to the south, with a Southern extension between Craycroft Road and east of Swan Road (Mountain View) that includes the hotels at Williams Center and an additional residential area.

A city eruv must be checked weekly to ensure all components are functional, according to the statement. See www.tucsontorah.org for more information, including a boundary map.