The Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center will welcome its first scholar-in-residence, Maxwell Greenberg of the University of California, Los Angeles, later this month. Greenberg, a doctoral candidate in UCLA’s Cesar E. Chavez Department of Chicano/a Studies, will discuss his research in the museum’s final gallery chat for the season, “Jewishness & Latinidad at the Border,” on Friday, May 31 at 11 a.m.
As a complement to his doctoral research, which looks at the Jewish experience in Tijuana, Mexico, he also will be collecting oral histories of Jewish Latina/o/x people in Southern Arizona and Northern Sonora from May 28-31. The in-depth interviews, open to Jews by birth or by choice, will explore such topics as ancestral and family background; rituals, traditions, and food-ways; relationship(s) to significant historical and political moments; and personal, familial, and communal significance of Jewishness and Latinidad.
To participate, contact Greenberg at mxgreenberg@ucla.edu or (415) 939-1295 (call or text).