
Shalom Baby welcomes newest community members

Goldie Gibbons Goldstein
A sample of some of the Shalom Baby gift box contents (Photos courtesy Jewish Tucson Concierge)

Shalom Baby celebrates the birth or adoption of new babies and welcomes them to the Southern Arizona Jewish community with a box of supplies for the new parents. “It’s like the Jewish community in a box,” says Jewish Tucson Concierge and program coordinator Carol Sack. “There’s not many opportunities for the Jewish community to come together like this and welcome a child.”

Along with resource information, the box includes useful items like a baby t-shirt and onesie, teethers, pacifier and holder, socks, beanie, books, bibs, burp and washcloths, sanitizer, coupons, afghan, and sippy-cup.

Sack says her last box delivery was to a couple who recently moved to Tucson and have no family here. “It really touched them that the community reached out,” she says.

Shalom Baby is a Jewish Community Roundtable program, funded by the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona/Jewish Community Foundation Aligned Grants Program. Also participating are Hadassah, Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging, University of Arizona Hillel Foundation, Tucson Jewish Community Center, Jewish History Museum, PJ Library, Tucson Hebrew Academy and seven local synagogues: Chabad Tucson, Temple Emanu-El and Congregations Anshei Israel, Bet Shalom, Chaverim, Chofetz Chayim, and Or Chadash.

“Whether it’s your first child, your fourth, or if you recently adopted a baby, Shalom Baby is for you,” Sack says. To register yourself or someone else for the program, contact Sack at 577-9393. Find more information at www.jewishtucson.org/jewish-life/shalom-baby.