Sara Lopez, a local wife, mother and opera singer, is curating a Jewish women’s performance showcase, by and for women, at the Tucson Jewish Community Center on Sunday, Jan. 6 at 6 p.m.
Having an all-female audience “allows women across the spectrum of Jewish practice and belief to participate,” says Lopez, who held auditions Dec. 13. Talent acts will be listed on www.tucsonjcc.org.
She created a series of similar events in Jerusalem when she was attending seminary in 2012-13, to give newly Orthodox women a platform for creative expression. “I didn’t want to choose between my faith and my performance talent as an opera singer,” she explains, adding that at the Jerusalem shows, she witnessed talents ranging from a South African salsa dancer to a German comedic poet. Lopez will perform an aria in French, German or Italian at the upcoming event.
“The Tucson J is proud to host this gathering for women, teens, and girls of all ages to celebrate their talents. We appreciate Sara’s leadership in this initiative and look forward to a fun evening on Jan. 6,” says Jennifer Selco, the J’s director of Jewish life and learning. A $5 donation is suggested.
For more information, contact Lopez at (949) 682-6808 or sarac90@yahoo.com.