
‘Courage to Sparkle’ to welcome JFSA women

Lois Barth

“Courage to Sparkle: Creating a Life That Lights You Up” is the theme for the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Women’s Philanthropy annual welcome event, which will be held Wednesday, Oct. 18, at the Harvey and Deanna Evenchik Center for Philanthropy, the new home of the Federation and Jewish Community Foundation, 3718 E. River Road.

The event will feature keynote speaker Lois Barth, an author and life coach, and new shinshinit (Israeli teen volunteer) Chen Dinazi.

“Besides the fact that I’m a huge sparkle enthusiast,” says Barth, referring to her blinged-out wardrobe, “I see the courage to sparkle as a metaphor to shine bright in the world, to radiate our brilliance, and to celebrate our multi-faceted selves.

“I love the [Federation’s] theme of ‘Stronger Together,’” she adds. “One of the things I love about being Jewish is the whole tikkun olam ­— the reparation of the world one soul at a time. Sometimes it’s a very large responsibility, but we can help the world around us to sparkle by honoring and mining and celebrating our own sparkle.

“What I also love about this event in particular, I’m very excited about it, is that it’s an intergenerational event. There are women starting as young as in their 20s all the way up to their 70s and beyond,” says Barth, noting that there will also be diversity in participants’ Jewish backgrounds and affiliations, “but really what ties it all together is our shared mission of tikkun olam, a person at a time, within Tucson, Israel and the world at large.”

The welcome event also will include recognition of outgoing Women’s Philanthropy board members and the installation of the 2017-2018 board.

As a mitzvah project, participants are asked to bring costume jewelry and makeup for the women at the Sister Jose Women’s Center.

Tours of the new building will be given at 6:30 p.m., with the event starting at 7 p.m.

The cost is $25. RSVP at jfsa.org or call Jane Scott at 577-9393.