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Beckers seek small group for Israel ‘soul’ trip in October

Bernadette Donfeld (left) and Esther Becker on a hill overlooking Shilo, where the Tabernacle was located for 369 years until destroyed by the Philistines. The photo was taken on a 2011 Southwest Torah Institute Israel trip. (Bob Donfeld).

Rabbi Israel and Esther Becker will hold an informational meeting about Southwest Torah Institute’s “Israel: Where the Past Shapes Your Soul” trip planned for October on Sunday, July 23 at 11 a.m. An Israeli-style brunch will be served.

“Even if you have been to Israel before, every trip presents its own new personal journey,” says Becker, who has led two previous Israel experience trips with his wife.

The 10-day, 10-night adventure is specifically intended for a small group and will include an intimate Shabbat in Jerusalem. Becker says he works in tandem with Meir Eisenman, a seventh generation Jerusalemite, “to explain how every site, big and small, can be seen through a 3-D lens, layering thousands of years of rich history through today.”

RSVP for the July 23 event to Becker at 591-5292 or