Jewish Family & Children’s Services will present a Shalom in Every Home Healthy Family Lecture Series this month. The free, interactive two-part series will explore the important connection between healthy families and healthy relationships.
The series will begin with “Put Your Listening Ears On: How to Create and Enhance Meaningful Connections With Those You Love,” presented by Adena Bank Lees, LCSW, on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 10 a.m. in the library of the Tucson Jewish Community Center.
Really listening is not as easy as it seems. Coming up with your rebuttal while your loved one is talking usually leads to unnecessary misunderstanding and arguments, Bank Lees explains. To hear, see and feel seen and heard, especially by those close to us, creates the loving connection of successful families. Participants can practice the skills to make this happen in a relaxed, fun environment.
Bank Lees is a a licensed clinical social worker, licensed and internationally certified substance abuse counselor, board certified expert in traumatic stress, certified Imago relationship therapist and certified psychodramatist. She has presented lectures and workshops to thousands of professionals and lay audiences across the country since 1992.
Alice Steinfeld, Med. MA, LPC, will speak on “Maintaining Family Health & Communication” on Sunday, Nov. 20 at 10 a.m. at the Tucson J.
Parents and children today have particular challenges to overcome — the use of social media, busy schedules, exposure to news and violence, and normal developmental stages. This talk will explore how to maintain boundaries and rules and, at the same time, cultivate understanding and openness. The discussion will foster ideas about nurturing family values.
Steinfeld has been in private practice in Tucson for over 30 years. Her area of expertise is working with individuals and families to increase communication, wellness and healthy lifestyle. She is the director of behavioral health for the Dream Street Foundation, serving 25 years as a facilitator of programs for young adults with serious health conditions. She is also on staff at Canyon Ranch Health Resort, lecturing weekly on “hot topics” in relationships. Steinfeld also facilitates the CHAI Circle program for Jewish women who are facing the challenges of cancer.
The LEAH (Let’s End Abusive Households) program at JFCS is a sponsor of the series. RSVP by Nov. 10 at jfcstucson.org/shalom-every-home-lecture-series/ or call Andrea Siemens at 795-0300, ext. 2365.