Ask the Concierge

Ask the Concierge – 4.3.15

Dear Jewish Community Concierge, I just found out about you and I was wondering what is it exactly that you do?



Dear Jonathan,

Ori Parnaby
Ori Parnaby

Great question! The Jewish Con­cierge is a brand new position created by Tucson’s Jewish Com­munity Roundtable, a group of representatives from the Board of Rabbis, lay leaders of the Federation’s beneficiary agencies, and the agencies’ executive officers, working together to strengthen Jewish Tucson. One of the Roundtable’s first initiatives was to hire a concierge to serve as a warm and welcoming community-wide ambassador for all of our synagogues and Jewish agencies. The concierge helps connect people to our community by matching their interests or needs to our Jewish resources, people and events. I am so excited that I was hired as Tucson’s very first Jewish concierge!

Often, I see that people want to be involved in Jewish life, but aren’t sure where to start or don’t feel comfortable reaching out on their own. I also meet newcomers to the Tucson area who aren’t familiar with our rich and varied Jewish options for connection. That’s where I come in, helping individuals find their unique fit. First, I listen carefully to their needs, then I come up with customized solutions, whether it’s for spiritual connection, social or professional groups, recreation, classes, mitzvah or volunteer opportunities and much more. If people are not certain what they are looking for in the Jewish community, I can recommend options based on their interests.

Jonathan, the concierge program is Tucson’s “Jewish 411,” a way to help guide and direct people to events, programs, congregations, chavurot (fellowship groups) and more. I feel so fortunate to be able to serve our community with this program, which exists in only a few major cities across the United States.

Please tell your friends and family about this free, personalized service and encourage everyone to reach out and find a connection! I am available at my office at the Tucson J, by phone (299-3000, ext. 241) or by email ( You can also find me on Facebook at

At your service!

— Ori Parnaby

Your Jewish Concierge