
New agreement to aid Holocaust survivors

The Claims Conference recently negotiated an agreement under which the German government committed to providing approximately $1 billion over a four-year period for homecare for Jewish Holocaust victims, with the annual amount increasing every year through 2017.

In Tucson, the Holocaust Survivor Program is part of Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona. By 2015, the program budget will increase and JFCS is required by the Claims Conference to raise a 10 percent match in funding from local donors.

“We are reaching out now and telling this story because we believe there are Holocaust survivors living in Southern Arizona who don’t know about our program,” says Raisa Moroz, Holocaust Survivor Program manager. “We want to help them whenever we can, so we want Holocaust survivors to call us and let us know if they need assistance.”

Currently, the program helps about 90 survivors. Assistance includes case management that helps link survivors to services that address issues they are facing, financial assistance for a variety of needs, in-home support services, transportation, counseling and social opportunities for both English and Russian speaking survivors through group events and a friendly visitor program.

For more information, call Moroz at 795-0300,