Diane Turner, a life coach, psychotherapist and author of “Heart Wisdom: A Concise Companion for Creating a Life of Possibility,” will launch a three-part course at the Tucson Jewish Community Center starting Tuesday, Jan. 7 from 1 to 3 p.m. The sessions will continue on Jan. 14 and 21.
“Creating a New Chapter” will help participants identify their “old story” and create the lives they desire as they move forward. “No matter how old you are,” Turner told the AJP, “or what stage of life you’re in, there are always new possibilities for greater ease and joy in our lives.” Identifying beliefs that hold us back and establishing a new vision in sync with our core values, she says, can lead to more satisfaction in life.
“Identifying Your Starting Point” and creating a new vision will be the subject of the first session on Jan. 7; “Releasing and Letting Go” will lead participants
to “Shifting to Something New” in the second session on Jan. 14; and “Choosing Something More,” by acknowledging where you currently are in life will be the focus of the last session on Jan. 21. Participants will engage in experiential exercises during the classes.
Turner’s training includes meditation, guided imagery, body awareness, hypnosis and shamanic practices from South and Central America. She holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Illinois, Jane Addams School of Social Work.
The three-session course is open to JCC members at $48; nonmembers, $54. For more information, visit www.dianesturner.com.