The Jewish History Museum will honor Barry Friedman with the 2012 Jewish Heritage Award at its annual luncheon later this month.
Designed to honor an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the museum’s mission and to the larger Southern Arizona community, the award recognizes Friedman’s contribution to preserving and teaching the Jewish heritage of the American Southwest. Friedman has been instrumental in the formation and growth of Arizona’s only Jewish History Museum, directing its growth from an historic restoration project to the number five rated Western museum in the United States, as designated by True West Magazine. In the five years since the opening of the museum he has served as the board president, docent and historical cemetery tour guide.
Previous Jewish Heritage Award winners have been Cele Peterson, Al Lipsey, Betina Lyons, Deborah Manspeaker Weiss, Sonny Solot, Fred Fruchthendler and Jean Myerson.
The luncheon will be held Sunday, Nov. 18 at 11:30 p.m. at Skyline Country Club. For more information or reservations contact the Jewish History Museum, a community partner of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, at 670-9073.