The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona will offer a Birthright Israel trip this June, with 20 spots available for local young professionals and graduate students, 22-26 years old.

Birthright is a national nonprofit that sponsors men and women ages 18-26 to go on a free, educational 10-day tour of Israel. The Southern Arizona delegation will share a bus with Portland, Ore. The trip will take place June 11-21.
The Federation is recruiting potential participants who are post-college and plan to stay in the greater Tucson area or are Southern Arizonans in graduate school out of state.
“Southern Arizona has sponsored many Birthright trips over the past 12 years through Hillel at the University of Arizona. These have been popular and life-changing experiences. Thanks to many of our generous sponsors, we are now offering a trip for young adults who are beyond college age. It is our hope that when they return, their enthusiasm and energy will propel them to become active participants in our own community,” says program chair Shelly Silverman.
The Federation will be able to tailor its trip to visit areas of particular significance to its delegation, such as the town of Kiryat Malachi and the Hof Ashkelon region, which receive support from the Jewish Federation of North America’s TIPS (Tucson, Israel, Phoenix, Seattle) partnership.
Registration opens Feb. 15 for first-time applicants, or Feb. 14 for anyone who has previously applied. Visit and and sign up for the “Pre-Trip List.” Upon acceptance, applicants must place a $250 deposit, which will be refunded after the trip. Departure will be from Los Angeles, and participants must provide their own transportation to and from L.A. For more information, or to sign up for a registration reminder,
contact Rebecca Goodman, JFSA leadership development director, at or 577-9393.