
“As Long As I Live” memoir inspires Women’s Academy brunch

The Women’s Academy for Jewish Studies at Congregation Chofetz Chayim will hold a free brunch and presentation next month, “What Does G-d Have in Mind for You?” with Esther Becker, based on the book “As Long as I Live: The Life Story of Aharon Margalit.”

By age 7, Margalit’s battle with polio had brought on complete paralysis, and the trauma of his experiences had rendered him mute. Yet through his positive response to these and other challenges, Margalit has gone on to lead a fulfilling life, becoming a successful businessman — and even a popular speaker on Israel’s lecture circuit.

Margalit is an ordinary Israeli from a poor family whose strength comes from his sensitivity to others, says Becker, and his ability to look “at every challenge that G-d gave him as an opportunity for growth.” Through his inspiring story, she says, we can acquire the sensitivity to decode life’s challenges in a positive way. “We can’t change our situation, but we can change our reactions,” she explains.

The response to “As Long as I Live” has been so phenomenal, adds Becker, that booksellers nationwide sold out twice while she was researching the program. She has acquired 100 copies.

The brunch will be held Sunday, Sept. 23 at 9:30 a.m. at Congregation Chofetz Chayim. Participants must read “As Long as I Live” prior to the event. To RSVP and receive a discounted copy for $25 ($18 for students), contact Becker at 591-7680 or ewbecker@me.com.