
Adult ed series to probe many facets of Israel

J. Edward Wright

The Weintraub Israel Center and Congregation Or Chadash will hold an adult education series, “Israel and Our Jewish Roots,” with nine sessions from Nov. 30 through March 22, 2012.

The series will present different aspects of the Jewish connection to the land and country of Israel.

J. Edward Wright, director of the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and president of the W. F. Albright Institute for Archaeological Research in Jerusalem, will present the first session, “Israel in Ancient times,” on Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 6:30 p.m. at Congregation Or Chadash.

Additional sessions, with speakers to be announced, will include “Zionism: From Vision to Reality — The Modern State” on Dec. 14; “Start-Up Nation: Israel Today” on Jan. 18; “Faces of Israel: Rabbinic Power in Israel — Orthodoxy,” a Heartbeat of Israel event on Jan. 25 that will include a screening of the film “Faces of Israel” and a discussion with the director, Amy Beth Oppenheimer; “Faces of Israel: The Rise of a Reform Movement in Israel” on Jan. 26; “Defining the U.S.-Israel Relationship on Feb. 15; “Israeli Democracy: A Glance at Israeli Politics” on Feb. 22; and “The Israeli-Arab Conflict Today” on March 22. All sessions will be held at Or Chadash, except Jan. 25, which will be held at the Tucson Jewish Community Center.

The series is free for Or Chadash members and Heartbeat pass holders; for nonmembers, the charge is $36.

To register, call Or Chadash at 512-8500.