Letters to the Editor

Infertility Op-Ed evokes Hadassah programs

Just before Passover, the AJP published Amy Klein’s Op-Ed about compassion for women who do not readily conceive children (“At Passover time, remember pain of those struggling with infertility,” AJP 4/3/15).

The February/March 2015 Hadassah Magazine (hadassahmagazine.org) describes the Rimon Mind-Body Fertility Center at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem. Women undergoing in vitro fertilization enhance their fertility with yoga. They participate in support groups. Hadassah’s original logo is “Healing of the daughter of my people.”

As a life member of Hadassah, I invite you to support Hadassah in our groundbreaking medical work, which sets standards for medicine worldwide.

— Margo Gray, Hadassah Southern Arizona