Letters to the Editor

Seeking Mi Sheberach stories

Have you said the Mi Sheberach for a friend or family member? Have you been ill and had a Mi Sheberach said for you? Are there other ways in which Jewish rituals, texts, traditions or communities helped you through an illness or a difficult time?

I am currently working on my doctorate in cultural anthropology at the University of Arizona. My research explores intersections of religion, health and well-being, using examples from the American Jewish community. These stories may or may not be about physical healing.I am less interested in whether prayer “works,” and more interested in what these prayers mean to you.

If you would be interested in talking to me about your experiences praying for the healing of friends and family, and/or being prayed for during times of illness or challenge, please contact me at gilas@email.arizona.edu or 548-6103.

—Gila Silverman, MPH